
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Love all the wrong things

I've been horde for quite some time now, but when I started playing WoW, my first character was a human mage. I loved being alliance. I loved night elves and draeneis. I loved Stormwind, and Redridge and Westfall and Duskwood. I'm glad Mad made us go horde, because I love my horde toons a lot. But I sometimes miss having actual active alliance characters. So what do I do? Well I start over on a new server, of course!

The last couple of days have been dedicated to creating characters and leveling them. I have no plan at this point, so I just level whatever class I feel like playing. I started with a hunter a couple weeks ago which is now level 61. She's my highest character on the server and that's fine. There's no hurry. No rush. Just quests, dungeons, whatever I feel like doing. I'm also working slowly (feels more like crawling) on professions as I level more characters. I have no 85 toon to farm stuff, so I have to level more to be able to farm ores and herbs on the druid. I'll get there eventually, it's just kinda slow. Which is ok, I suppose.

But it's not all been just good fun. I have two (maybe even three) healers that I plan on leveling solely through the LFD tool, and DEAR GOD WHAT WAS I THINKING?

Some groups are actually pretty decent, but most of the time, there's someone rolling on gear they don't need, or the tank is so squishy that even pouring my whole blue bar into their green bar isn't quite enough to keep them alive. In Gnomeregan, you know a lock or a hunter will jump down without dismissing their pet first, so half the instance will run to us to hug us with their deadly mechanical arms. Good times.

But I'm still enjoying myself. My mage is almost level 36 and the shaman is 33, so I've been in Scarlet Monastery a lot lately, which is good because it's my favourite instance ever. I  remember the first time I went in there, back when I was just a wee little noob mage. I was impressed and fascinated by the Scarlet Crusade. In a "Jesus titty fucking christ those people are insane!" kinda way. Interrogator Vishas is and always will be my favourite NPC in the game. I remember each time he started talking, I would say it with him, which kinda drove Mad nuts, since we were on Ventrilo together.

The voice acting is perfect, as he sound like he's batshit crazy. A nutjob with a razor, on a holy mission. Not scary at all. I think this guy probably is going away in MoP, and it makes me sad. Scarlet Monastery will never be the same without him.


  1. Yeah we are losing a lot of stuff! SM was a major place to level in the old days -- people used to roll for Armory weapon crates because they gave so much money!

    1. I will miss the old SM. I hope the new version will be as good, or better.

  2. I'm sure whatever it will be, will be interesting. I look forward to people visiting SM again. That instance deserves some more attention :)

    1. It sure does. Every time I roll a new alt I can't wait to reach level 30ish so I can run SM! I really hope MoP's version will be as good as it is now. The Scarlet people are a crazy bunch, but they're kinda cool, too.

  3. BTW I love your blogroll. Been cruising through it for the past hour!!!

    1. I'm glad you do. I love it a lot, too. So many good bloggers out there! I spend a lot of time every day just reading all the new posts. And this is summer, and the end of the expansion. People usually write less. (I know I do.) So I can't even begin to imagine how busy it will get once MoP is out! =D

  4. If there's some justice in WoW, Vishas will have been Scourged.

    And yes, there's something very much on the edge of BDSM and the Saw movies the way his voice actor says "Naughty secrets!" and "I'll rip the secrets from your flesh!" that gives me a shiver when I hear it.

    1. I think we should make t-shirts that say "Save Vishas" or something.

      And "I'll rip the secrets from your flesh!" is probably my favourite quote from WoW, period.

  5. I'm kind of the same way! My first ever character was a Draenei and then I made Selly re-roll horde with me. XD But I was an old old school Hordie and always loved Horde in the Warcraft RTS games back when I was a kid.

    I did the same thing eventually though and made Alliance alts on another server and it was hard doing things without heirlooms or high level alts to help with professions or cash flow.

    Glad you're making decent progress though! LFD tool is how I did things too when I leveled Alliance because I had no idea how their quests worked.

    Why would Interrogator Vishas go away in MoP though? D: That's sad! He's been there forever! The instance just wont' be the same without him..

    1. I'm not 100% sure, but from what I remember, he wasn't one of the bosses from the new MoP version of SM. But maybe there's still hope!

      It's like Edwin VanCleef. I miss that guy so much. And Mr. Smite! "We're under attack! Avast ye swabs, repel the invaders!"
